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The UK Driving Secrets guide will run on any PC running Windows 7, Vista, XP, 2000, ME, NT4, 98 or 95. In other words, around 95% of the world's computers. It will not however work on a Mac -- so if you have one, get yourself access to a PC for a few hours!

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UK Driving Products - -
Continental Driving.
Firstly, it is your responsibilty to find out the rules, when driving or taking your car to the continent. the main problem is the fact that the rules are alway,s changing.intrestingly, from the 1st July 2012, anyone driving in France will be required to pack a brethalyser kit to testwhether they're over the drink driving limit.
Moreover, if you are caught driving without one you face an on-the-spot-fine.Less than 50% make the effort to check the rules in mainland Europe. Two out of three British motorists assume their insurance policy automatically appllies abroad.One in Ten motorists sustain a collision,bump or damaged windscreen while on foreign soil.
Barely 50% will put a GB sticker on the car, even though it is a legal requirment.

Furthermore, nearly two-thirds set off without checking that they have the right driving documentation. Just 1-in-4 will take the time to learn local road sighns.
Finally, Always call your motor insurer before you set off to make sure you have comprehensive cover.
Read on my many of us keep up to date with the rules in this country?
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There are 50 driving theory test questions below, the pass mark is 43 and the test should be completed in 57 minutes or less. Once you have completed the theory test, click on “Submit Answers for Grading” to get your results.
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1. The meaning of the sign illustrated on the right is:
Pay and display parking
No stopping
Parking restricted to permit holders
No Parking

2. The meaning of the sign illustrated on the right is:
Loose chippings
Quarry ahead
Falling or fallen rocks
Falling snowballs

3. Using the rear view mirror to hang objects on can:
Restrict your view
Make you a more careful driver
Give you a better view
Help your concentration

4. An MOT certificate is normally valid for:
10,000 miles
30,000 miles
Three years after the date it was issued
One year after the date it was issued

5. A vehicle with a green flashing light is a:
Fire engine
Road maintenance vehicle
Doctor's car

6. You are approaching a bend at speed. You should begin to brake:
On the bend
After the bend
After changing gears
Before the bend

7. The use of the horn in a built-up area is prohibited at what times?
Between 8pm and 8am
Between dusk and dawn
Between dusk and 8am
Between 11.30pm and 7am

8. There are no speed limit signs on the road. How is a 30mph limit indicated?
By hazard warning lines
By street lighting
By double yellow lines
By pedestrian islands

9. What causes most skids?
Worn tyres
Driver error
Bad weather

10. The driver in front has not cancelled the right indicator. Should you:
Flash your lights to alert the driver
Sound your horn before overtaking
Ignore it and overtake anyway
Stay behind and not overtake

11. Who has priority at an unmarked crossroads?
The faster vehicle
The smaller vehicle
The larger vehicle
No one has priority

12. The meaning of the sign illustrated on the right is:
No parking
Minimum speed limit
Urban clearway

13. The meaning of the sign illustrated on the right is:
Give way to traffic on major road
Stop and give way
Pedestrians crossing

14. A pedestrian with a white stick and red band is:
Entitled to the right of way
Deaf only
Blind only
Deaf and blind

15. You are following a vehicle on a wet road. You should leave a gap of at least:
One second
Two seconds
Three seconds
Four seconds

16. On a windy day, how is it safest to overtake a cyclist?
Overtake very closely
Overtake quickly
Sound your horn repeatedly
Allow extra room

17. Why should you make sure that you have cancelled your indicators after turning?
To avoid flattening the battery
To avoid misleading other road users
To avoid dazzling other road users
To avoid damage to the indicator relay

18. You should use front fog lights ONLY when:
You think its safer
Visibility is seriously reduced
Daylight is fading
Driving after midnight

19. You are at the scene of an accident. Someone is suffering from shock. You should:
Tell them to pull themselves together
Keep them warm
Offer them a warm drink
Offer them a cigarette

20. When using an emergency telephone on the motorway should you:
Make sure someone else is with you
Face the oncoming traffic
Keep your back to the traffic
Stand on the hard shoulder

21. How can you, as a driver, help the environment?
By reducing your speed
By using leaded fuel
By driving faster
By harsh acceleration

22. Apart from pedestrians, who else should you be aware of at a toucan crossing?
Oncoming traffic
Buses pulling out
Trams crossing in front
Cyclists riding across

23. Red routes in major cities have been introduced to:
Allow lorries to load more freely
Raise the speed limits
Help the traffic flow
Provide better parking

24. The meaning of the sign illustrated on the right is:
Motorway closed
End of motorway
Start of motorway
Motorway services

25. The meaning of the sign illustrated on the right is:
Bend in the road
Give way
No left turn
Left turn ahead

26. Single carriageway roads have a speed limit of:
50 mph
60 mph
40 mph
No speed limit

27. Your car needs an MOT certificate. If you drive without one this could invalidate your:
Road tax disc
Vehicle registration document
Vehicle service record

28. SORN is a Statutory Off Road Notification. It is valid for how long?
For the life of the vehicle
Until the next MOT
For 12 months only
Until the vehicle warranty expires

29. What are triangular road signs for?
To give orders
To give information
To give directions
To give warnings

30. Mouth to mouth resuscitation should be stopped when:
You think the casualty is dead
The casualty can breathe without help
The casualty has turned blue
You hear the ambulance arriving

31. Immediately after joining a motorway you should:
Keep in the left lane to get used to the speed
Move to the centre lane
Try to overtake
Re-adjust your mirrors

32. Trailers must be securely hitched to the towing vehicle. The trailer braking system can be made even safer by fitting what?
Warning lights
Jockey wheel
Corner steadies
Breakaway cable

33. You want to turn right at a junction but you think your indicators cannot be seen clearly. What should you do?
Stay in the left-hand lane
Keep well over to the right
Give an arm signal as well as an indicator signal
Get out and check if your indicators can be seen

34. Mobile phones can ONLY be used when?
Receiving a call
Suitably parked
Driving at less than 30 mph
There is an emergency

35. You are about to drive home but you cant find the glasses you need to wear. You should:
Drive home slowly, keeping to quiet roads
Find a way getting home without driving
Borrow a friends glasses and use those
Drive home at night so that the lights will help you

36. The meaning of the sign illustrated on the right is:
Wild animals
Wild horses or ponies
Accompanied horses or ponies
Horse riding school

37. The meaning of the sign illustrated on the right is:
Steep hill downwards
Steep hill upwards
Height limit
20mph speed limit

38. Tram rails cause most problems for which vehicles?
Four-wheel drive cars

39. You are on a narrow road at night. A slow moving vehicle ahead has been signalling right for some time. What should you do?
Flash your headlights before overtaking
Signal right and sound your horn
Wait for the signal to be cancelled before overtaking
Overtake on the left

40. Tyres will raise your fuel consumption if they are:
Bought at different times
New and hardly used

41. You should contact the licensing authority when:
Your job status is changed
You go abroad on holiday
You change your name
Your job involves travelling abroad

42. A four-wheel drive vehicle mainly improves:
Road holding
Fuel consumption
Stopping distances
Hesitant driving

43. You must take extra care when driving near trams because?
They may stop suddenly to recharge the batteries
Of their speed and silent approach
You must not drive over the rails
They are automatic and have no driver

44. On a dual carriageway, a vehicle with an amber flashing light is?
An ambulance
A police car
A doctor on call
A disabled person's vehicle

45. The lowest gear in a motor car is:
1st Gear
2nd Gear
Reverse Gear

46. The only time you should not check your mirrors is, just before:
Turning left
Turning right
Emergency stop
Turning at a roundabout

47. When are motorcyclists particularly at risk from other road users?
In the dark
On dual carriageways
When approaching junctions
On motorways

48. The meaning of the sign illustrated on the right is:
Water across the road
Single lane bridge ahead
Uneven road surface
Slippery road ahead

49. The meaning of the sign illustrated on the right is:
Traffic signals ahead
Traffic signals not in use
Ignore traffic signals
Temporary traffic lights

50. You are carrying two 9-year-olds and their parents in your car. Who is responsible for seeing that the children wear seat belts?
The children
The front-seat passenger
The children's parents.
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You, the driver,overseas.
Please remember Normal Safety Precautions Apply.
Many drivers in Britain take a more casual approuch to motering oversea's, than they do in the UK. as quated by Axa, the Insurer.more than one in fouradmit they are less concerned about breaking local speed limits.
Furthermore;one in five take drink driving less seriously.
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However,many traffic offences are subject to on-the-spot fines.
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Moreover,many countries are much stricter when it comes to drink-driving. Note that any pointsor driving ban you collect on your licence will apply in the UK.

Finally,it is of paramount importance, tha you do not take more risks when driving abroad. Driving in a foreign country is a serious business, especially on unfamilliar roads.Normal Safety Precautions such as wearing seatbelts and not useing mobile phones whilst driving, equally apply.
Kind Regards,

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