Saturday 5 November 2022


ASN: SMALL BIZ Broker: Online Business Opportunities Broker,Christmas 🎄 🇨🇽 Introduction Affiliate marketing can b... MY BIZ ADMIN ‎05 ‎November ‎2022 ============================================ Transparency Being open and honest makes work more efficient and enjoyable. Good leaders consider the consequences of their decisions and actions for both teams and customers, setting a role model for employees to do the same. They ask for help when needed and provide honest and constructive feedback. This, in return, encourages employees to do the same. A simple business model and free to start. Made with students in mind. Visit this site now. ==================== The Importance of Article Marketing _________________________________ Introduction Article marketing has been used for years. From media publications, it has shifted to the web which many experts say is timeless thus making it particularly important in the digital age. The reason why article marketing is so important is that it will not only enhance your website with information but it will also make it go up the ranks of major search engines which all boils down to quality traffic. This means that chances of people buying your items via the web are much higher and some of these customers might even come from out of state or from a different country. A. You can make this happen simply by choosing the right keywords which the search engines will pick up when someone decides to look for it. B. Another option is to send your articles only to those that cater to it. This can be done by uploading the article to your favourite online network. There are also popular article submission sites also known as directories as well as article search engines which you can submit to free of charge. C. You can also get help from friends who also have websites and post your articles there. The more sites you can advertise in the better, so you get to reach a larger audience. D. If you have written a lot of articles already, it is time to put these into categories. You can also put these all together in the form of an e-Book and give this away for free. E. The articles may also be submitted to ezine sites. Article marketing is just one of the tools in promoting your site via the web. There are also meta-tags and pop up tags which happen to be extremely populare. The only difference is that you must spend a few dollars for these to be posted in other sites. So, is article marketing important? The answer is yes because with 300 to 500 words, you can talk to the reader in a more personal level better than what a banner can do. Most people don't even pay attention to a banner and just close it because many feels that it is a waste of time just enter-taining it. Perhaps the best part is that you do not have to be an expert writer to tell the reader what your product is all about. The main thing is that you can say it simply so this will be easy for just about anyone to understand. If you are having a hard time put-ting the words together, do some drafts, proofread it before submit-ting this online. For those who do not write very well, maybe you should hire someone to do that for you by simply giving them certain guidelines about the message you are trying to convey. People who want to search for something using the web must type in certain key-words in one of the major search engines. If you want people to find your site, you must put yourself in their shoes and then put in fac-tual information so you can be trusted. This is the essence of what makes article marketing is all about and why it is so important for anyone who wants to do business online. Some Effective Article Marketing Tips _________________________________ Article marketing can do a lot for your business. You just have to know a few things and here are some tips to help you out. vital age. 1. First, you must make sure that whatever you are writing about is relevant. If you know for a fact that your product could be particu-larly useful, then do some research about it and then end the article with a link to your website. Before you upload the article, check if the site you plan to put this has this as one of their topics. 2. Just like what you read in the newspaper or see on television, the article must be both timely and newsworthy. This will allow you stay in touch with what is happening in the world. One good way is signing up with a site that gives you alerts with regards to certain topics. 3. Some writers post one article and that is it. Just like movie pro-ducers in Hollywood, you should post a sequel to this because there could already be new information available which you could share to the public. 4. You should also make your articles viral. What this simply means is allowing other people to publish your article just if nothing is changed, and you are given credit for it. Another way of doing this is offering your writing services to others which will become added revenue for you. 5. Each article you write must be short and simple. It must be short so that it will not bore the reader. Simple so that they will be able to understand the message you are trying to convey. 6. Just how many articles must your write to increase traffic? The good news is that you only need 2 to get things started. A good title will be â€Å“how to do something” and â€Å“x number of tips for some-thing.” If this catches their interest, that person will most like-ly click on the link to your site and then buy something. The bottom line is that it increases web traffic. 7. You can stop at just 2 articles to promote your site. If you have other products, you can write articles on it as well and then mention in the resource box. This is known as cross-referencing which a lot of webmasters allow their contributors to do. 8. Aside from posting your written work in other websites, do not forget to also put these in your own. If you have written 10 or more about the same topic, put these together to what is known as an e-book and then pass this along for free. Again, if people like what is written there then people would not remind reading it several times. 9. Aside from posting in websites, make use of RSS feeds. There are plenty of them around so make use of it. There are two ways to get into article marketing. The first is to write it yourself and just hope that people will appreciate your writing style. The other is to hire someone to do it. Some charge by the hour while others charge per word. It may be worth it if this increases traffic to your site. By following these article marketing tips, it will not be long before you get a lot of hits. ======== Daily checklist for your network marketing business. Success boils down to doing a few simple things every day, over and over until you reach your goals. I have the categories broken down into; (1) Lead Generation/Prospecting, (2) Follow Up & Closing, (3) Duplication & Support, and (4) Personal Development. TASK---> IDENTIFY 14 most likly tasks to complete: (1)Lead Generation/Prospecting >Post on Facebook/Write and publish an article or blog post >Call or text your prospect, Follow Up & Closing, >Send out a weekly email newsletter to your prospects >Connect with 3 new people on LinkedIn >Send out three direct messages on Twitter (2)Follow Up & Closing, >Help your team member enroll someone >Watch a personal development video or podcast >Reach out to someone in depth you have not met before and ask them if they need help with anything (3)Duplication & Support, >Do a training session for your team >Post an ad online, such as Craigslist / QwickAd. >Share a testimonial about a product that might benefit them (4)Personal Development >Share a helpful article or video that will help them develop a skill >Meet with a team member for lunch or coffee >Learn more about a specific product ========================================================================== BUSINESS MANAGEMENT The setting of demanding yet realistic goals. Establishing cohesive teams and mutual interdependence within them. Meeting the needs of the individual, team, and organization. 1.The ability to organize and Manage, planning what needs to be done. 2. Deciding, the best way of doing it, and achieving the aim. 3. Planning involves defining the task and relating it to the organizational strategy. 4. Creating, and efficient plan that is achievable using available resources. 5. The briefing, Communicating, and explaining the plan. allocating tasks. 6. Accepting feedback. Receiving as well as offering feedback. 7. Controlling, Maintaining the aim, quality, and momentum. 8. Supporting, encouraging team members, and creating team spirit. 9. Informing, keeping everybody involved and informed of progress. 10. Evaluation, Positive evaluation on completion to improve performance and team spirit. Daily checklist for your network marketing business. Success boils down to doing a few simple things every day, over and over until you reach your goals. I have the categories broken down into; (1) Lead Generation/Prospecting, (2) Follow Up & Closing, (3) Duplication & Support, and (4) Personal Development. TASK---> IDENTIFY 14 most likly tasks to complete: (1)Lead Generation/Prospecting >Post on Facebook/Write and publish an article or blog post >Call or text your prospect, Follow Up & Closing, >Send out a weekly email newsletter to your prospects >Connect with 3 new people on LinkedIn >Send out three direct messages on Twitter (2)Follow Up & Closing, >Help your team member enroll someone >Watch a personal development video or podcast >Reach out to someone in depth you have not met before and ask them if they need help with anything (3)Duplication & Support, >Do a training session for your team >Post an ad online, such as Craigslist / QwickAd. >Share a testimonial about a product that might benefit them (4)Personal Development >Share a helpful article or video that will help them develop a skill >Meet with a team member for lunch or coffee >Learn more about a specific product ========================================================================== JOBS TO DO # ~ DAILY CHECKLIST ?Thursday, ?20 ?October ?2022 Daily checklist for your network marketing business. Success boils down to doing a few simple things every day, over and over until you reach your goals. I have the categories broken down into; (1) Lead Generation/Prospecting, (2) Follow Up & Closing, (3) Duplication & Support, and (4) Personal Development. TASK---> IDENTIFY 14 most likly tasks to complete: (1)Lead Generation/Prospecting >Post on Facebook/Write and publish an article or blog post >Call or text your prospect, Follow Up & Closing, >Send out a weekly email newsletter to your prospects >Connect with 3 new people on LinkedIn >Send out three direct messages on Twitter (2)Follow Up & Closing, >Help your team member enroll someone >Watch a personal development video or podcast >Reach out to someone in depth you have not met before and ask them if they need help with anything (3)Duplication & Support, >Do a training session for your team >Post an ad online, such as Craigslist / QwickAd. >Share a testimonial about a product that might benefit them (4)Personal Development >Share a helpful article or video that will help them develop a skill >Meet with a team member for lunch or coffee >Learn more about a specific product The copywriter's formula: AIDA Memorize this. I don't know who to credit for this copywriting formu-la, but AIDA (Attract, Interest, Desire, Action) is a handy copy checklist. All the copy you write should include these elements. Attract = get the reader's attention. Interest = keep his attention. Desire = evoke emotion. Action = get a response. Writing copy step by step. The more copy you write for clients each day, the more money you make. Therefore, you need a method to get copy written fast, without dithering and wasting time wondering what to do next. The following method works. I recommend that you use it on every job. More play than work, it is fun and stress-free. Try it. Step One: Research After you have been briefed by the client, your first step is research. Even if you're sure that you have all the information you need, doing a bit of hunting and gathering for more information lets your subconscious mind brood on the task before you start writing. My aim when I research is always to get what I call "the Click". The Click is part concept, part inspiration, part structure, and part my subconscious mind waving at me and yelling: "Yoohoo! We're ready, you can get started." Your research period may be only a few minutes. When I was asked to do a fast rewrite job on five 30-second radio spots for a jewelry store, out of the two hours I had, I spent half an hour on research. Although I'd worked for the client previously, and knew what he was selling, I wanted to get a new angle, a unique fact âۉ€Å“ something different that I could base the copy around. I found it. I learned that gold is eternal: it's older than our solar system. That nugget of info inspired me, and let me breeze through writing the five spots. Unless I'd been prepared to "waste" time on the research, I would have had a much harder time writing the copy, and the copy wouldn't have had any creative sparkle. Step Two: Prepare by getting a conversation down on paper or on the computer screen The biggest stumbling block for a writer is the blank page or comput-er screen. Writers get performance anxiety just like actors get stage fright. Luckily, that block is easy to conquer when you're writing copy. Copy is conversational. If you're used to writing novels or non-fiction, this can be hard to achieve at first. Good copy is simply communication, rather than literary elegance, and you don't have to agonize over grammar. If you're getting your client's message across, you're writing good copy. Here's a handy trick to get words on the page. When you start writ-ing, imagine you're talking to someone, telling her about the prod-uct. It helps to type something like: "Jeannie, I just found this great new thing, let me tell you about itâ€Â¦" Then describe the prod-uct. Or, if you're writing longer copy, longer than a typical page of 250 words, talk into a tape recorder, and pretend to tell someone about the product, then transcribe the tape. Either of these techniques will stop you using a stiff and formal voice. You'll be using an in-formal conversational style and tone, which is appropriate for copy. You'll also notice you've conquered the blank page. Step Three: Brainstorm with word associations You've got a page of conversation. Print it out if it's on the com-puter. Without thinking about it too much, circle any words which ap-peal to you. Circle five words. At this stage, you're nowhere near writing the final copy. You're making creative connections. This method of brainstorming uses your right and left brain. Starting with the first word, write down 20 word associations you come up with. You can use a cluster diagram, or just make a list. The key to getting results with this method is lack of effort on your part. Just do the process mechanically, and write down the first words which pop into your mind. When you've done this, go and do something else for a while. Have a cup of coffee, or take the dog for a walk. Sometimes you'll get a rush job, and you wonâۉ„¢t be able to take much time away, but no mat-ter how rushed you are, take at least ten minutes. Step Four: First draft: write it fast When you sit down at your desk, write a first draft as quickly as you can. Donâۉ„¢t refer to any of the word lists you made. Be casual, be confident, and get those words down. Your first draft is your first take on the job. This gives you some-thing to work with, and you can tweak it until you're satisfied. As you become more experienced, your first draft comes close to being your final draft. I usually send my second draft to the client as the "Initial Draft". I offer two free revisions of this draft in my writ-ing agreement. I've found that if I'm working for the client direct-ly, then either the client accepts my Initial Draft, and says "Great! Just what I want", or I do one minor revision. When working with an agency, I rarely get asked to do revisions. My feeling is that because I've done a lot of preparation (research, getting a conversation down, and brainstorming), I'm pretty much on target when I send the Initial Draft. Therefore, the preparation work you do is important. Donâۉ„¢t try to jump into a final draft that you intend to send to the client when you sit down at the computer. You'll freeze up. Having a process that you work through leaves plenty of room for discovery ---and all writing is discovery --- and creativity, and this shows in the final results. Even if you donâۉ„¢t use any of the material you created in your preparation in the final draft, the preparation process loosens you up and helps you to write creative copy day after day, because you're not working --- you're playing, and your subconscious mind loves to play. Copywriter's How To: Five Easy Tips To Write A Perfect, Selling Ad ( Each chapter contains Copywriter's How-Tos, copywriting reference articles.) A perfect, selling ad? I lied. There's no such animal as the perfect, works-every-time, selling ad. But I got you to read this far, did-nâۉ„¢t I? That was the title's purpose --- see Tip Two: Write an at-tention-grabbing headline. I didn't lie about these tips, though. They're easy and fun to use. Tip One: who's the reader? (Or viewer, or listener if you're writing for broadcast.) Although you're writing for a crowd, it's easiest to write if you im-agine you're talking to one particular person. You can even start writing your first draft with a salutation, as if you were writing a letter: Start with "Dear Elli", and keep writing. Who is this person? Is she old, young, married? Where does she live? What's her life like? What does she want most? What's she scared of? Why would she be interested in your product? What difference would it make in her life? Professional copywriters spend a lot of time in this phase of the writing process. You can't motivate someone if you donâۉ„¢t know who they are. Tip Two: Write an attention-grabbing headline Your headline is vital. No one is looking for your ad. You've got to wave and yell at them to get their attention. If you donâۉ„¢t get their attention, no sale. Write a trial headline to get yourself started. This probably wonâۉ„¢t be the headline you'll use. However, with a trial headline, you've got a corral for your copy. You're writing to that headline. When you've written a draft of the ad, force yourself, with a timer, to write another twenty headlines in five minutes. (Read the rest of the tips and write the benefits and the response before you write a draft.) Don't try too hard. Who cares if they're all junk? You're writing lots of headlines to get your subconscious mind to take you serious-ly, and throw up the PERFECT headline. You'll never achieve this per-fect headline with conscious thought. It's a gift from your subcon-scious, but you have to goose it into cooperating. You may find a headline you like more than your initial headline. Just substitute it, if it fits. If it doesnâۉ„¢t you can write another version of the ad to fit that headline's concept. Tip Three: Write the features first, then work out what the benefits are Nobody buys a product (or a service) for its own sake. They buy because it benefits them in some way. The benefits are what you're selling. â¦Â You're not selling a German Shepherd puppy, you're selling an intelligent, loyal companion and family protector. â¦Â You're not selling a car, you're selling traveling comfort, prestige, and a sure-fire babe-magnet. â¦Â You're not selling a book, you're selling the adventure of a lifetime, love, romance, and sex. To get a handle on this, take a sheet of paper and briefly list the features of your product or service on the left. Then besides the feature, write the corresponding benefit that each feature provides. Remember --- use the benefits in your ad. Tip Four: Dont forget the response! I've lost count of the number of ads I've seen everywhere from the Yellow Pages to full display ads costing thousands in magazines, where the copywriter and everyone else forgot the response. You must tell the reader what you want him to do. You must ask for the sale. Ask the reader to do something: call a number, come into the store, go to a Web site. This is so important that when I'm writing an ad I always write the required response on a sticky note and tape it to a corner of my monitor. I tape it onto the screen itself, so I can't miss it. (Yes, I have been guilty of forgetting the response. And very embarrassing it was too.) Tip Five: Read it out loud You've finished the final draft of your ad. Before you show it to an-yone else, read it aloud. You'll pick up redundancies, awkward sentence construction and other nasties when you read the copy aloud. Genuine No Hype Opportunity for Success Genusity Associates Programme.#health business 'Freelancers would benefit from associations to develop online income streams.' Dear prospects, I hope this Add finds you safe and well. It is important to keep your mind active. Here is something interesting to work on for free. If you want to send people directly to a product page, use one of these URL's. ~For Beauty Products: ~For CBD Products: ~For Beacon Products: ~For GenEnergy Product: To your sucsess, Genusity Associate, #health business Freelancers would benefit from associations to develop online income streams. For example, in the internet/ affiliate marketing business. Firstly, as more professionals look for a better work-life balance and more companies adopt flexible policies to accommodate shifting workplace priorities and realize the financial benefits of having a lower office overhead, working from home is becoming increasingly viable. Moreover, there is an increase in freelancing and home business development projects. Aiming to increase the household income. There are potential pitfalls however and below we discuss some of the advantages and disadvantages of working from home. Advantages Better work/life balance Your Work-life balance may be vastly improved, particularly if you have the flexibility to report into the office and work from the home as an option and can fine-tune the arrangement week by week. Furthermore, it would be advantages to use the capability of face-to-face meetings, using 'ZOOM' for example. Financial For the home worker-You save on many costs associated with going to work- commuting, car wear and tear, fuel, road taxes, parking as well as indirect costs such as your professional wardrobe and dry-cleaning. For your company-Home-based workers can produce big overhead savings for companies. They need less office space, less equipment, less facilities such as staff restaurants. I would recommend a period of Induction training to prepare both employer & employee. However, Freelancers should take it upon them self to research and train as preparatory training would be of benefit to all. Timesaving The time taken to present yourself professionally, deal with hair and makeup, and travelling to work, is probably a major factor in increased productivity. As soon as the kids are out of the door you can be at your desk in seconds! And in the evening as soon as you switch off your computer, you can immerse yourself in home life. Childcare You can probably save on older children’s care arrangements. For younger children it is probably impractical to forgo proper childcare arrangements and try to balance care and supervision with the demands of the job. Flexibility The flexibility to determine your own work hours to some extent is probably the most important aspect of this for many. You can also choose your environment, lighting, music, temperature, setting, mood. Choosing the factors that suit you best and make you happiest probably contribute to home workers increased productivity. Fewer distractions Colleagues chatter and distractions, interruptions, trivial meetings can all be avoided if you are at home and in control of your own environment. You must ensure you are protected as well as possible from interruptions. Closeness to home and family Many people find the physical closeness to family and the convenience of being at home is important to them as it means that they can be available if help is needed. This is true for parents and also applies in the case of elderly care. Less stress The stress of commuting at rush hour in many countries is counterproductive and can lead to workers who are already exhausted and in a bad temper before they have even begun their day. Other stresses can be unfriendly colleagues, a poor work environment and constant distractions. You are much more likely to avoid a â€Å“bad day at the office” feeling if you are in control at home. More productivity Working in your own environment at your own pace, many people are a lot happier and a lot more productive. Go here to see for yourself how Freelancers would benefit from associations to develop online income streams For example, in the internet/ affiliate marketing business. #Health. If you want to send people directly to a product page, use one of these URL's. For GenTize Products: For GenHealth Product: For GenPet Product: For Keto Product: To Your Sucswss, Paul70 P.S. AMPS DISCLAIMER: My Affiliate marketing business links.By purchasing through these links I may receive a commission for the sale.This has no effect on the price you pay.**!AmP-CSrsFDnqnRIE1yFxA9i9muN4?e=70Tzas Genusity Associate Closeness to home and family Many people find the physical closeness to family and the convenience of being at home is important to them as it means that they can be available if help is needed. This is true for parents and also applies in the case of elderly care. Less stress The stress of commuting at rush hour in many countries is counterproductive and can lead to workers who are already exhausted and in a bad temper before they have even begun their day. Other stresses can be unfriendly colleagues, a poor work environment and constant distractions. You are much more likely to avoid a â€Å“bad day at the office” feeling if you are in control at home. More productivity Working in your own environment at your own pace, many people are a lot happier and a lot more productive. Go here to see for yourself how Freelancers would benefit from associations to develop online income streams ~For Beacon Products: ~For GenEnergy Product: To your success, Genusity Associate, P.S. 😀ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE! To Your Success, Paul70 20 qualities of an effective leader Many different qualities contribute to being a great leader including: 1. Accountability Taking ownership of responsibilities and positive and negative outcomes is key to effective leadership. Leaders should be able to take responsibility for their team’s work, as well as their own. Related: Defining Accountability in Management 2. Active listening Successful leaders should be able to give, but also receive feedback from team members and listen. To actively listen, a leader can listen to the words being spoken but also understand the meaning behind them. Strong leaders know how to ask the right questions and then follow up to ensure all messages are conveyed correctly. 3. Collaboration Often, leaders need to collaborate internally across departments and externally with vendors, third-party companies and contractors. It is key that they know how to find common goals and create partnerships for the most successful and mutually beneficial outcome. 4. Courage Effective leaders should have the courage to do what is in the best interest of the team and company at all times. While their decisions may be unpopular, they know the steps must be taken and courageous leaders move things in the right direction. Related: Everything You Need To Know About Effective Leadership 5. Communication Communicating in an articulate and positive style creates a clear path for the rest of the team, project or meeting you are leading to follow. In today’s global marketplace, it’s also important to communicate across cultures and respect communication differences. 6. Empathy Leaders need to understand how the people around them are feeling about projects, decisions, morale, direction and company or team vision. Strong leaders show empathy by recognizing and considering their employees’ feelings. They know how to be assertive and kind at the same time. Effective leaders know how to praise those who are succeeding and encourage those who are struggling. 7. Flexibility Working with a team of people means tasks, goals and responsibilities will shift. A flexible leader can adjust and maintain ownership of the team, project or meeting as needed. They are open to new ideas and change as long as it moves the team and company forward. Related: 6 Ways To Implement Job Flexibility in the Workplace 8. Focus A good leader sets a practical vision and suitable, achievable targets. They know how to set SMART goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely. Using the SMART goal framework can establish a strong foundation for achieving success. 9. Growth mindset Leaders do well when they adopt a growth mindset. Circumstances often change from when a project, challenge or issue originally surfaced. Leaders have to consider that technology may have evolved or personal issues may have arisen for their team. If they can keep a growth mindset and are willing to adapt, they can keep the project moving—even if adjustments need to be made. Related: Coaching Leadership Style Explained In this video, Jenn, an Indeed Career Coach, explains the coaching leadership style in management and provides examples to help you identify if this style is right for you. 10. Eager to learn Leaders are effective and inspirational when they stay knowledgeable of moving trends and the topics they are leading. Not only does this help leaders hone their crafts and contribute to their purposes, but it also helps to inspire the team to continue learning, too. 11. Innovation Leaders should be able to develop ideas, solve problems and complete many other tasks that require innovation and creativity. They encourage creativity and innovation in their teams through activities like brainstorming or prototyping. Good leaders actively listen to their employees and motivate them to think outside the box. Related: How To Encourage Innovation in the Workplace 12. Optimism Optimistic leaders show that they believe their company is working toward a better future. They value their team members’ contributions to achieve that goal. Recognising that change is inevitable, good leaders look forward and maintain a positive outlook. Being positive during stressful or adverse situations is a sign of strength. 13. Passion Teams are motivated by a drive towards a common goal. The team leader should be passionate about the goal, creating unity among their team to work together. They know what they want and are willing to put in the work to achieve it, inspiring their employees to do the same. Related: How You Can Be More Passionate in 6 Steps (With Tips) 14. Patience Effective leaders know that mistakes, miscommunications and failures are inevitable. Leaders need to be patient and offer guidance through these times. By accepting this, they can anticipate problems and work to positively resolve the issue as well as possible. Related: 5 Ways Being More Patient Can Help Your Career 15. Problem solver Developing problem-solving skills allows teams to move past roadblocks with minimal disruption. Good leaders also make training a priority for their employees, allowing them to develop skills to do their work and head off problems. 16. Resilience Leaders are perceptive and know how to handle themselves in both positive and potentially difficult situations. This might mean creating new processes, hiring new people or changing the status quo. A resilient leader focuses on the end result, avoids distractions and leads by example. 17. Respect Effective leaders treat their teams with respect, gaining respect in return. They value feedback and want to hear the opinions of their teammates. Effective leaders show their respect by empowering their employees to make decisions and use their expertise to achieve goals. Showing respect builds their sense of worth and commitment to the organisation. Related: What Is Respect in the Workplace? 18. Self-awareness Successful leaders express the skills and knowledge required for a certain role in an organisation or a speciality. They hone in on what they know, what they may not be an expert in and when to bring in others who have the necessary knowledge. A leader with self-awareness knows it’s OK to not know everything and relies on other subject matter experts when needed. 19. Transparency Being open and honest makes work more efficient and enjoyable. Good leaders consider the consequences of their decisions and actions for both teams and customers, setting a role model for employees to do the same. They ask for help when needed and provide honest and constructive feedback. This, in return, encourages employees to do the same. Related: How To Be Transparent in the Workplace 20. Trust Leadership requires delegation. When leaders trust their team to complete what they are assigned, it encourages positive morale and mutual respect. When leaders are honest with employees, especially during hard times, coworkers trust them in return, enabling the entire organisation to operate with integrity. Delegating tasks is another way of showing trust. An effective leader believes in their employees’ abilities and that they can take on other tasks. Trusting others to take on tasks is crucial to team performance, growth and productivity. A simple business model and free to start. Made with students in mind. Visit this site now. AMPS DISCLAIMER: My Affiliate marketing business links. By purchasing through these links I may receive a commission for the sale. This has no effect on the price you pay. Kind Regards, Paul@amps70 JOBS TO DO # ~ DAILY CHECKLIST ?Thursday, ?20 ?October ?2022 Daily checklist for your network marketing business. Success boils down to doing a few simple things every day, over and over until you reach your goals. I have the categories broken down into; (1) Lead Generation/Prospecting, (2) Follow Up & Closing, (3) Duplication & Support, and (4) Personal Development. TASK---> IDENTIFY 14 most likly tasks to complete: (1)Lead Generation/Prospecting >Post on Facebook/Write and publish an article or blog post >Call or text your prospect, Follow Up & Closing, >Send out a weekly email newsletter to your prospects >Connect with 3 new people on LinkedIn >Send out three direct messages on Twitter (2)Follow Up & Closing, >Help your team member enroll someone >Watch a personal development video or podcast >Reach out to someone in depth you have not met before and ask them if they need help with anything (3)Duplication & Support, >Do a training session for your team >Post an ad online, such as Craigslist / QwickAd. >Share a testimonial about a product that might benefit them (4)Personal Development >Share a helpful article or video that will help them develop a skill >Meet with a team member for lunch or coffee >Learn more about a specific product The copywriter's formula: AIDA Memorize this. I don't know who to credit for this copywriting formu-la, but AIDA (Attract, Interest, Desire, Action) is a handy copy checklist. All the copy you write should include these elements. Attract = get the reader's attention. Interest = keep his attention. Desire = evoke emotion. Action = get a response. Writing copy step by step. The more copy you write for clients each day, the more money you make. Therefore, you need a method to get copy written fast, without dithering and wasting time wondering what to do next. The following method works. I recommend that you use it on every job. More play than work, it is fun and stress-free. Try it. Step One: Research After you have been briefed by the client, your first step is research. Even if you're sure that you have all the information you need, doing a bit of hunting and gathering for more information lets your subconscious mind brood on the task before you start writing. My aim when I research is always to get what I call "the Click". The Click is part concept, part inspiration, part structure, and part my subconscious mind waving at me and yelling: "Yoohoo! We're ready, you can get started." Your research period may be only a few minutes. When I was asked to do a fast rewrite job on five 30-second radio spots for a jewelry store, out of the two hours I had, I spent half an hour on research. Although I'd worked for the client previously, and knew what he was selling, I wanted to get a new angle, a unique fact âۉ€Å“ something different that I could base the copy around. I found it. I learned that gold is eternal: it's older than our solar system. That nugget of info inspired me, and let me breeze through writing the five spots. Unless I'd been prepared to "waste" time on the research, I would have had a much harder time writing the copy, and the copy wouldn't have had any creative sparkle. Step Two: Prepare by getting a conversation down on paper or on the computer screen The biggest stumbling block for a writer is the blank page or comput-er screen. Writers get performance anxiety just like actors get stage fright. Luckily, that block is easy to conquer when you're writing copy. Copy is conversational. If you're used to writing novels or non-fiction, this can be hard to achieve at first. Good copy is simply communication, rather than literary elegance, and you don't have to agonize over grammar. If you're getting your client's message across, you're writing good copy. Here's a handy trick to get words on the page. When you start writ-ing, imagine you're talking to someone, telling her about the prod-uct. It helps to type something like: "Jeannie, I just found this great new thing, let me tell you about itâ€Â¦" Then describe the prod-uct. Or, if you're writing longer copy, longer than a typical page of 250 words, talk into a tape recorder, and pretend to tell someone about the product, then transcribe the tape. Either of these techniques will stop you using a stiff and formal voice. You'll be using an in-formal conversational style and tone, which is appropriate for copy. You'll also notice you've conquered the blank page. Step Three: Brainstorm with word associations You've got a page of conversation. Print it out if it's on the com-puter. Without thinking about it too much, circle any words which ap-peal to you. Circle five words. At this stage, you're nowhere near writing the final copy. You're making creative connections. This method of brainstorming uses your right and left brain. Starting with the first word, write down 20 word associations you come up with. You can use a cluster diagram, or just make a list. The key to getting results with this method is lack of effort on your part. Just do the process mechanically, and write down the first words which pop into your mind. When you've done this, go and do something else for a while. Have a cup of coffee, or take the dog for a walk. Sometimes you'll get a rush job, and you wonâۉ„¢t be able to take much time away, but no mat-ter how rushed you are, take at least ten minutes. Step Four: First draft: write it fast When you sit down at your desk, write a first draft as quickly as you can. Donâۉ„¢t refer to any of the word lists you made. Be casual, be confident, and get those words down. Your first draft is your first take on the job. This gives you some-thing to work with, and you can tweak it until you're satisfied. As you become more experienced, your first draft comes close to being your final draft. I usually send my second draft to the client as the "Initial Draft". I offer two free revisions of this draft in my writ-ing agreement. I've found that if I'm working for the client direct-ly, then either the client accepts my Initial Draft, and says "Great! Just what I want", or I do one minor revision. When working with an agency, I rarely get asked to do revisions. My feeling is that because I've done a lot of preparation (research, getting a conversation down, and brainstorming), I'm pretty much on target when I send the Initial Draft. Therefore, the preparation work you do is important. Donâۉ„¢t try to jump into a final draft that you intend to send to the client when you sit down at the computer. You'll freeze up. Having a process that you work through leaves plenty of room for discovery ---and all writing is discovery --- and creativity, and this shows in the final results. Even if you donâۉ„¢t use any of the material you created in your preparation in the final draft, the preparation process loosens you up and helps you to write creative copy day after day, because you're not working --- you're playing, and your subconscious mind loves to play. Copywriter's How To: Five Easy Tips To Write A Perfect, Selling Ad ( Each chapter contains Copywriter's How-Tos, copywriting reference articles.) A perfect, selling ad? I lied. There's no such animal as the perfect, works-every-time, selling ad. But I got you to read this far, did-nâۉ„¢t I? That was the title's purpose --- see Tip Two: Write an at-tention-grabbing headline. I didn't lie about these tips, though. They're easy and fun to use. Tip One: who's the reader? (Or viewer, or listener if you're writing for broadcast.) Although you're writing for a crowd, it's easiest to write if you im-agine you're talking to one particular person. You can even start writing your first draft with a salutation, as if you were writing a letter: Start with "Dear Elli", and keep writing. Who is this person? Is she old, young, married? Where does she live? What's her life like? What does she want most? What's she scared of? Why would she be interested in your product? What difference would it make in her life? Professional copywriters spend a lot of time in this phase of the writing process. You can't motivate someone if you donâۉ„¢t know who they are. Tip Two: Write an attention-grabbing headline Your headline is vital. No one is looking for your ad. You've got to wave and yell at them to get their attention. If you donâۉ„¢t get their attention, no sale. Write a trial headline to get yourself started. This probably wonâۉ„¢t be the headline you'll use. However, with a trial headline, you've got a corral for your copy. You're writing to that headline. When you've written a draft of the ad, force yourself, with a timer, to write another twenty headlines in five minutes. (Read the rest of the tips and write the benefits and the response before you write a draft.) Don't try too hard. Who cares if they're all junk? You're writing lots of headlines to get your subconscious mind to take you serious-ly, and throw up the PERFECT headline. You'll never achieve this per-fect headline with conscious thought. It's a gift from your subcon-scious, but you have to goose it into cooperating. You may find a headline you like more than your initial headline. Just substitute it, if it fits. If it doesnâۉ„¢t you can write another version of the ad to fit that headline's concept. Tip Three: Write the features first, then work out what the benefits are Nobody buys a product (or a service) for its own sake. They buy because it benefits them in some way. The benefits are what you're selling. â¦Â You're not selling a German Shepherd puppy, you're selling an intelligent, loyal companion and family protector. â¦Â You're not selling a car, you're selling traveling comfort, prestige, and a sure-fire babe-magnet. â¦Â You're not selling a book, you're selling the adventure of a lifetime, love, romance, and sex. To get a handle on this, take a sheet of paper and briefly list the features of your product or service on the left. Then besides the feature, write the corresponding benefit that each feature provides. Remember --- use the benefits in your ad. Tip Four: Dont forget the response! I've lost count of the number of ads I've seen everywhere from the Yellow Pages to full display ads costing thousands in magazines, where the copywriter and everyone else forgot the response. You must tell the reader what you want him to do. You must ask for the sale. Ask the reader to do something: call a number, come into the store, go to a Web site. This is so important that when I'm writing an ad I always write the required response on a sticky note and tape it to a corner of my monitor. I tape it onto the screen itself, so I can't miss it. (Yes, I have been guilty of forgetting the response. And very embarrassing it was too.) Tip Five: Read it out loud You've finished the final draft of your ad. Before you show it to an-yone else, read it aloud. You'll pick up redundancies, awkward sentence construction and other nasties when you read the copy aloud. Genuine No Hype Opportunity for Success Genusity Associates Programme.#health business 'Freelancers would benefit from associations to develop online income streams.' Dear prospects, I hope this Add finds you safe and well. It is important to keep your mind active. Here is something interesting to work on for free. If you want to send people directly to a product page, use one of these URL's. ~For Beauty Products: ~For CBD Products: ~For Beacon Products: ~For GenEnergy Product: To your sucsess, Genusity Associate, #health business Freelancers would benefit from associations to develop online income streams. For example, in the internet/ affiliate marketing business. Firstly, as more professionals look for a better work-life balance and more companies adopt flexible policies to accommodate shifting workplace priorities and realize the financial benefits of having a lower office overhead, working from home is becoming increasingly viable. Moreover, there is an increase in freelancing and home business development projects. Aiming to increase the household income. There are potential pitfalls however and below we discuss some of the advantages and disadvantages of working from home. Advantages Better work/life balance Your Work-life balance may be vastly improved, particularly if you have the flexibility to report into the office and work from the home as an option and can fine-tune the arrangement week by week. Furthermore, it would be advantages to use the capability of face-to-face meetings, using 'ZOOM' for example. Financial For the home worker-You save on many costs associated with going to work- commuting, car wear and tear, fuel, road taxes, parking as well as indirect costs such as your professional wardrobe and dry-cleaning. For your company-Home-based workers can produce big overhead savings for companies. They need less office space, less equipment, less facilities such as staff restaurants. I would recommend a period of Induction training to prepare both employer & employee. However, Freelancers should take it upon them self to research and train as preparatory training would be of benefit to all. Timesaving The time taken to present yourself professionally, deal with hair and makeup, and travelling to work, is probably a major factor in increased productivity. As soon as the kids are out of the door you can be at your desk in seconds! And in the evening as soon as you switch off your computer, you can immerse yourself in home life. Childcare You can probably save on older children’s care arrangements. For younger children it is probably impractical to forgo proper childcare arrangements and try to balance care and supervision with the demands of the job. Flexibility The flexibility to determine your own work hours to some extent is probably the most important aspect of this for many. You can also choose your environment, lighting, music, temperature, setting, mood. Choosing the factors that suit you best and make you happiest probably contribute to home workers increased productivity. Fewer distractions Colleagues chatter and distractions, interruptions, trivial meetings can all be avoided if you are at home and in control of your own environment. You must ensure you are protected as well as possible from interruptions. Closeness to home and family Many people find the physical closeness to family and the convenience of being at home is important to them as it means that they can be available if help is needed. This is true for parents and also applies in the case of elderly care. Less stress The stress of commuting at rush hour in many countries is counterproductive and can lead to workers who are already exhausted and in a bad temper before they have even begun their day. Other stresses can be unfriendly colleagues, a poor work environment and constant distractions. You are much more likely to avoid a â€Å“bad day at the office” feeling if you are in control at home. More productivity Working in your own environment at your own pace, many people are a lot happier and a lot more productive. Go here to see for yourself how Freelancers would benefit from associations to develop online income streams For example, in the internet/ affiliate marketing business. #Health. If you want to send people directly to a product page, use one of these URL's. For GenTize Products: For GenHealth Product: For GenPet Product: For Keto Product: To Your Sucswss, Paul70 P.S. AMPS DISCLAIMER: My Affiliate marketing business links.By purchasing through these links I may receive a commission for the sale.This has no effect on the price you pay.**!AmP-CSrsFDnqnRIE1yFxA9i9muN4?e=70Tzas Genusity Associate Closeness to home and family Many people find the physical closeness to family and the convenience of being at home is important to them as it means that they can be available if help is needed. This is true for parents and also applies in the case of elderly care. Less stress The stress of commuting at rush hour in many countries is counterproductive and can lead to workers who are already exhausted and in a bad temper before they have even begun their day. Other stresses can be unfriendly colleagues, a poor work environment and constant distractions. You are much more likely to avoid a â€Å“bad day at the office” feeling if you are in control at home. More productivity Working in your own environment at your own pace, many people are a lot happier and a lot more productive. Go here to see for yourself how Freelancers would benefit from associations to develop online income streams ~For Beacon Products: ~For GenEnergy Product: To your success, Genusity Associate, P.S. 😀ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE! To Your Success, Paul70 20 qualities of an effective leader Many different qualities contribute to being a great leader including: 1. Accountability Taking ownership of responsibilities and positive and negative outcomes is key to effective leadership. Leaders should be able to take responsibility for their team’s work, as well as their own. Related: Defining Accountability in Management 2. Active listening Successful leaders should be able to give, but also receive feedback from team members and listen. To actively listen, a leader can listen to the words being spoken but also understand the meaning behind them. Strong leaders know how to ask the right questions and then follow up to ensure all messages are conveyed correctly. 3. Collaboration Often, leaders need to collaborate internally across departments and externally with vendors, third-party companies and contractors. It is key that they know how to find common goals and create partnerships for the most successful and mutually beneficial outcome. 4. Courage Effective leaders should have the courage to do what is in the best interest of the team and company at all times. While their decisions may be unpopular, they know the steps must be taken and courageous leaders move things in the right direction. Related: Everything You Need To Know About Effective Leadership 5. Communication Communicating in an articulate and positive style creates a clear path for the rest of the team, project or meeting you are leading to follow. In today’s global marketplace, it’s also important to communicate across cultures and respect communication differences. 6. Empathy Leaders need to understand how the people around them are feeling about projects, decisions, morale, direction and company or team vision. Strong leaders show empathy by recognizing and considering their employees’ feelings. They know how to be assertive and kind at the same time. Effective leaders know how to praise those who are succeeding and encourage those who are struggling. 7. Flexibility Working with a team of people means tasks, goals and responsibilities will shift. A flexible leader can adjust and maintain ownership of the team, project or meeting as needed. They are open to new ideas and change as long as it moves the team and company forward. Related: 6 Ways To Implement Job Flexibility in the Workplace 8. Focus A good leader sets a practical vision and suitable, achievable targets. They know how to set SMART goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely. Using the SMART goal framework can establish a strong foundation for achieving success. 9. Growth mindset Leaders do well when they adopt a growth mindset. Circumstances often change from when a project, challenge or issue originally surfaced. Leaders have to consider that technology may have evolved or personal issues may have arisen for their team. If they can keep a growth mindset and are willing to adapt, they can keep the project moving—even if adjustments need to be made. Related: Coaching Leadership Style Explained In this video, Jenn, an Indeed Career Coach, explains the coaching leadership style in management and provides examples to help you identify if this style is right for you. 10. Eager to learn Leaders are effective and inspirational when they stay knowledgeable of moving trends and the topics they are leading. Not only does this help leaders hone their crafts and contribute to their purposes, but it also helps to inspire the team to continue learning, too. 11. Innovation Leaders should be able to develop ideas, solve problems and complete many other tasks that require innovation and creativity. They encourage creativity and innovation in their teams through activities like brainstorming or prototyping. Good leaders actively listen to their employees and motivate them to think outside the box. Related: How To Encourage Innovation in the Workplace 12. Optimism Optimistic leaders show that they believe their company is working toward a better future. They value their team members’ contributions to achieve that goal. Recognising that change is inevitable, good leaders look forward and maintain a positive outlook. Being positive during stressful or adverse situations is a sign of strength. 13. Passion Teams are motivated by a drive towards a common goal. The team leader should be passionate about the goal, creating unity among their team to work together. They know what they want and are willing to put in the work to achieve it, inspiring their employees to do the same. Related: How You Can Be More Passionate in 6 Steps (With Tips) 14. Patience Effective leaders know that mistakes, miscommunications and failures are inevitable. Leaders need to be patient and offer guidance through these times. By accepting this, they can anticipate problems and work to positively resolve the issue as well as possible. Related: 5 Ways Being More Patient Can Help Your Career 15. Problem solver Developing problem-solving skills allows teams to move past roadblocks with minimal disruption. Good leaders also make training a priority for their employees, allowing them to develop skills to do their work and head off problems. 16. Resilience Leaders are perceptive and know how to handle themselves in both positive and potentially difficult situations. This might mean creating new processes, hiring new people or changing the status quo. A resilient leader focuses on the end result, avoids distractions and leads by example. 17. Respect Effective leaders treat their teams with respect, gaining respect in return. They value feedback and want to hear the opinions of their teammates. Effective leaders show their respect by empowering their employees to make decisions and use their expertise to achieve goals. Showing respect builds their sense of worth and commitment to the organisation. Related: What Is Respect in the Workplace? 18. Self-awareness Successful leaders express the skills and knowledge required for a certain role in an organisation or a speciality. They hone in on what they know, what they may not be an expert in and when to bring in others who have the necessary knowledge. A leader with self-awareness knows it’s OK to not know everything and relies on other subject matter experts when needed. 19. Transparency Being open and honest makes work more efficient and enjoyable. Good leaders consider the consequences of their decisions and actions for both teams and customers, setting a role model for employees to do the same. They ask for help when needed and provide honest and constructive feedback. This, in return, encourages employees to do the same. A simple business model and free to start. Made with students in mind. Visit this site now. AMPS DISCLAIMER: My Affiliate marketing business links. By purchasing through these links I may receive a commission for the sale. This has no effect on the price you pay. Related: How To Be Transparent in the Workplace 20. Trust Leadership requires delegation. When leaders trust their team to complete what they are assigned, it encourages positive morale and mutual respect. When leaders are honest with employees, especially during hard times, coworkers trust them in return, enabling the entire organisation to operate with integrity. Delegating tasks is another way of showing trust. An effective leader believes in their employees’ abilities and that they can take on other tasks. Trusting others to take on tasks is crucial to team performance, growth and productivity. A simple business model and free to start. Made with students in mind. Visit this site now. AMPS DISCLAIMER: My Affiliate marketing business links. By purchasing through these links I may receive a commission for the sale. This has no effect on the price you pay. Kind Regards, Paul@amps70 Prelimaries: H&S' Fire Exits, Muster Point Toilets/Breaks Flip Chat Paper Marker Pens, Black. Blue, Reb Green. Welcome/ Attendanse You will require a home PC or laptop. ?Friday, ?16 ?September ?2022 ================================== #HEALTH BUSINESS. Dear Prospects, We look forward to getting to know you better, promise to do our best in supporting you along the way, and know that we will enjoy this exciting journey together! Decide What Business to Start This may actually require more time than a day because besides being an idea that appeals to you, your business should be a financially viable idea. The first part of this step is to come up with a list of home business ideas that appeal to you. If you're not sure what home business to start, consider your interests,talents, and passions. You can also find many home business ideas online, such as here at The Balance Small Business. Next, you need to figure out if your idea is potentially profitable, you need to do requires research. Factors to consider are whether or not you can commit to the business over the long term, financial needs to get started, and whether or not there is a market ready,willing and able to buy. I recommend #Shopfreemart. It is frree to join our membership & share the opportunity with others. Products that are pure and highly concentrated Products that give the fastest possible health benefits Free websites for sharing the Shopfreemart products and Opportunity Free training with simple cookie-cutter steps that virtually guarantee success Get paid every time that someone you refer to your website makes a purchase Get paid through 6-levels of referrals without obligation to make a product purchase No trickery, no deception and no hoops to jump through Simple business model where anyone can experience success Paul Thompson Referring Consultant. P.S. --> Recourse Box. #Health, you can also listen "live" via the net: Your email address isn't working You know, email just isn't working as well as it used to. There's too much spam, and the spam filters delete important messages too! Check out this new software program I found, called DesktopLightning. It lets you broadcast messages right to people's desktops, bypassing email completely. I want to use it to communicate with you. You can download it here: Paul ================================ #HEALTH BUSINESS. Dear Prospects, We look forward to getting to know you better, promise to do our best in supporting you along the way, and know that we will enjoy this exciting journey together! Decide What Business to Start This may actually require more time than a day because besides being an idea that appeals to you, your business should be a financially viable idea. The first part of this step is to come up with a list of home business ideas that appeal to you. If you're not sure what home business to start, consider your interests, talents, and passions. You can also find many home business ideas online, such as here at The Balance Small Business. Next, you need to figure out if your idea is potentially profitable, you need to do requires research. Factors to consider are whether or not you can commit to the business over the long term, financial needs to get started, and whether or not there is a market ready, willing and able to buy. I recommend #Shopfreemart. It is free to join our membership & share the opportunity with others. ? Products that are pure and highly concentrated ? Products that give the fastest possible health benefits ? Free websites for sharing the Shopfreemart products and Opportunity ? Free training with simple cookie-cutter steps that virtually guarantee success ? Get paid every time that someone you refer to your website makes a purchase ? Get paid through 6-levels of referrals without obligation to make a product purchase ? No trickery, no deception and no hoops to jump through Simple business model where anyone can experience success Paul Thompson Referring Consultant. P.S. --> Recourse Box. #Health, you can also listen "live" via the net: AMPS DISCLAIMER: My Affiliate marketing business links. By purchasing through these links I may receive a commission for the sale. --------------------------------------------------------- What is Upskilling? Upskilling is the process of learning additional skills and competencies. It has recently become a buzzword because continuous technological advancement has caused companies to rapidly change the way they operate. This means that employees consistently have to add to their existing knowledge and skill sets to keep up with the new trends and retain business. If employees do not upskill, they will add to the skill gap – the gap between the number of roles that require certain skills and the number of people that actually possess those skills. They might lose their jobs, or their future employability might be threatened. Over the past year, many people have acquired more time to invest in themselves, due to working from home or being furloughed. They have been looking for healthy distractions from work and the pandemic, and this has led to a reported rise in upskilling. For employers, upskilling their workforce has many advantages. If you can add to the skills of existing staff rather than hiring new staff, you can save time and money that you would have spent during the onboarding process. You can read more about upskilling from an employer’s perspective in our dedicated article here. The benefits of upskilling for the employees themselves will be discussed in the next section. Why is it Beneficial to Upskill? There are many benefits of upskilling yourself, which include: It gives you the potential to progress within your chosen career. It boosts your employability and potential to change to a slightly different job – the more skills you develop, the more opportunities become available to you. Upskilling allows you to stand out from the crowd in the current competitive job market. You have increased job security – by staying relevant to the industry and not lagging behind, you are less likely to lose your job. Research has shown that upskilling boosts your morale and productivity, due to giving you the potential for more varied work, a broader understanding of your company, and a focus on your individual goals. As you can see, upskilling isn’t just advantageous when training for a new job. It can simply help you to broaden your horizons and your understanding of the business you work in. expert icon Looking to upskill? If you’re considering becoming a coach or mentor, our Coaching and Mentoring course is designed to give you the practical tools and techniques needed to kickstart your successful career journey. How Can You Upskill Yourself? You can upskill yourself in a variety of different ways, depending what’s right for you and your career. Complete Online Training Online training is particularly popular at the moment, because it allows you to complete training from your home. You can also choose to work on the training at a time that suits you, and you don’t have to complete it all in one go. When deciding which online course to take, think about what you want to achieve, and what skills you’re missing that could benefit your career (or your company). For example, courses such as Social Media Marketing Training help you to understand how to create effective social media accounts for your business and meet advertising standards. It is extremely useful to have professional knowledge of social media, as well as being up-to-date with current software and applications. Tools like Barclays LifeSkills’ Wheel of Strengths can also give you a good starting point in exploring what you would like to develop. expert icon Need Online Training? Let us support you with your career goals this year. Head over to our Personal Development Course Library and browse available courses, from Leadership and Management Training to Social Media Marketing and Starting a Business. Set a Personal/Professional Development Plan This means setting yourself goals and then working out a plan of action of when and how you will achieve them. To help you set goals, think about where you want to be and what you need to do to get there. Why do you want to learn something? For example, do you want to improve your leadership skills so you can lead on a project in your team? Or do you want to learn another language because you aim to live and work in another country? Goals keep you on track and motivated. ---------------------------------------------------------- How to Write a Personal Development Plan How to Write a Personal Development Plan There are seven steps to writing a PDP: 1. Set yourself goals. 2. Prioritise those goals. 3. Set yourself deadlines for when you want to achieve them. 4. Recognise threats and opportunities. 5. Develop your skills or increase your knowledge. 6. Use your support network. 7. Measure your progress. 1. Set Yourself Goals Search for the things you really want in life, these are your long-term goals. As a twenty-something, you’re in one of the scariest phases of life. Everything feels chaotic, and there are many frustrations. Figuring out what you want is not only the first step in planning, it’s also the hardest. Once you’ve figured out what you want to do, that dream acts an emotional anchor; it provides stability and structure in a time of chaos. By the way, your life goals should be difficult; they should feel enormous, and scary, and totally overwhelming. You’re going to break them down into tiny baby steps, and that will make them feel manageable and achievable, and you will achieve them. But, before you do that, your goals SHOULD overwhelm you. This is because you’re thinking and planning for your future. And, it’s normal and natural to feel scared; it’s your life you’re planning, and that’s a serious matter indeed. 2. Prioritising Your Goals Next, you need to consider all the little steps that will help you achieve your big goals. And you’ll need to prioritise these short-term goals. Remember that you can’t do everything at once and trying to will lead to failure. Consider what step needs to happen now. In your PDP, set yourself mini goals to make the big ones happen. For example, say you want a career in academia as a senior lecturer and someday a professor. First, you’re going to need a PhD to make that happen. So there’s a big goal, now break it down into steps like this: 1. Learn about the PhD application process. 2. Find a suitable university and supervisor for a PhD. 3. Look at routes for funding. 4. Find studentships to apply for/or apply to your university of choice. 5. Write and submit your PhD application. 3. Set Yourself Deadlines Knowing when you want to achieve a goal is crucial and picturing your future is an important source of motivation and inspiration. Day-dreaming is a vital motivation mechanism, and you should harness it to set a deadline on your goals. When you picture yourself buying your first home, how old are you? When you walk up on that graduation stage and get your doctorate, when will that be? But dreams cannot be the only way to set deadlines; you need to make your dreams realistic. Otherwise, you could become discouraged. Find out the likelihood of you achieving your dreams by speaking to other people about their experiences and researching the process so you get a realistic idea of what to expect. Realism factors are vital because they prevent you from becoming discouraged when you do hit pitfalls, they also help you learn more about the things you want to achieve, and can help you predict future problems and plan how to avoid them! Download Free PDP Example/Template 4. Recognise threats and opportunities There are going to be certain things – they could be external things or an element of yourself – that, if you let them, will prevent you from achieving your goals or delay you on your way. These are your threats. For example, a lack of motivation could be detrimental to applying for that PhD. But once you’ve identified your tendency to procrastinate or lose focus you can put in place methods that will keep you motivated on your dreams. There are also going to be things that you could do, and connections you could take advantage of that will help you on your way. These are things you should commit to doing; these are your opportunities. For example, if there’s a conference coming up. Take advantage of that situation. Go along and network, stay up to date on the latest knowledge, even present a paper! 5. Develop yourself Once you have an idea of what could hinder you and what could help you, this is when you can capitalise on those opportunities you recognised. Make an action plan about how you’ll make that progress. Whatever it is that hinders you, there’s a way to stop it, and your plan is the first step to making sure you stay motivated. So why not take a look at how to upskill yourself, develop transferable skills in today’s rapidly changing jobs market, or even discover an online learning opportunity. 6. Use your support network The next thing you need to realise is that: You don’t have to do everything by yourself. And you shouldn’t. The support network around you is a valuable asset, so use it and don’t underestimate it. In your PDP, list the people who can help you. This could be a financial advisor, a friend, a colleague. People are often so happy to help you, more than you might realise. Download Free PDP Example/Template 7. Measure progress Whether it’s big or small, after you’ve achieved some progress take time to reflect on how far you’ve come. Recognising what has gone well is a way to bolster your motivation and remain dedicated. And after a setback, this is another time to take stock. Wallowing – briefly – is a good way to feel what you need to without holding on to it. Holding onto sadness, anger or frustration, however, will only deter you. These emotions will take you nowhere and will only hinder you. You should also spend a little time figuring out why it went wrong. Can you identify a skills or knowledge gap? If you can, then you can get yourself back on track by focusing on your next little step; this will reignite your sense of purpose and help you regain control which is integral to making progress. Free Personal Development Plan Example & Template To help you produce an effective personal development plan, we have created a template that you can use. Below, you can take a look at an example PDP, and download your free template. Download Free PDP Example/Template Further Resources: • How to Upskill Yourself • Using Key Phrases in Performance Reviews & Appraisals • Business Skills Online Training From --------------------------------------------------------- Monkey Business Outline your thoughts #Build Your Business Products ~ #marketing,#Business, #Builder, The Number 1.Monky Business & Agency. Monkey Business is complete business management system for modern businesses. After you have your transformation in mind, working backwards off of it is how you create your outline. Now it doesn't matter how you end up creating your outline, you can do it using a mind map, I like to use sticky notes. However you chose to do it just make sure that you take the ideas in your head about these particular transformation and just put them all out there and that will help you organize for later, this will be the skeleton for your blog post. Try to have your outline in place before your start writing, it will make life much easier, trust me. Start by engaging readers Your Sales Website It doesn't matter what kind of content you are creating, a blog post, an article, etc. The number one thing you have to realize is that you need to start strong. People are gonna go there either because of you or because of the topic and unless you hook them in the beginning they are not gonna want to continue on. The purpose of the intro of your blog post is to keep people reading, the purpose of the first sentence is to get them to read the second sentence and so on. So start strong, well how do you do that? There are a lot of ways to do that but personally I like to start with a story. Human beings love stories and seem to engage more when a story is involved. Make sure the story is relatable to who your transition audience is. My Sales Website I also love to ask and induce certain questions that may bring out the audience's curiosity, or you can start out with a really interesting fact or concept that might have been unheard of before. All these things are going to help your readers continue to read on and feel as if there is something worth reading on. Paul Thompson Independent Contractor Your Recruiting Website =============================== Monkey Business Outline your thoughts Start by engaging readers Your Sales Website It doesn't matter what kind of content you are creating, a blog post, an article, etc. The number one thing you have to realize is that you need to start strong. Paul Thompson Independent Contractor Your Recruiting Website Health, Weight Loss, Energy, Pet Products, and more Building A Team Of Free Team Members/Associates As you can see, with Genusity, you should be able to build larger and stronger teams which in turn, creates an opportunity like never before for you! #Genusity_Associate. P.S. Products. AMPS DISCLAIMER: My Affiliate marketing business links. By purchasing through these links I may receive a commission for the sale. #HEALTH BUSINESS. Dear Prospects, We look forward to getting to know you better, promise to do our best in supporting you along the way, and know that we will enjoy this exciting journey together! Our goal is to provide cutting-edge pure plant products to people everywhere. The Products Plants, people, & prosperity. That's what we are all about. There are approximately 120 natural, organic, non-GMO, vegan, gluten-free, soy free, dairy free, and cruelty free products. The products are 3rd party tested and are sourced directly from the farmer. All products come with a 60-day, empty bottle money back guarantee. Plants over pills! Some of the product line includes: Coffee & Tea CBD & Black Seed Biominerals Superfoods Personal Care Pet Products Essential Oils Weight Loss The Endocannabinoid System Every human possesses this advanced physiological system that is already making cannabinoid-like structures that foster cellular balance throughout nearly every biological system in the body. Research seems to indicate that the ECS might function more properly and efficiently through the introduction of hemp-derived cannabinoids like CBD. Lose Weight Bun Fat Simple, Safe, & it Works. No Laxatives /Stimulants To Your Success, PAULTHOMPSON INDEPENDENT AFFILIATE ==================================== Affiliate Marketing... We look forward to getting to know you better, promise to do our best in supporting you along the way, and know that we will enjoy this exciting journey together! Summary of Key Points If your health is important to you... If product ingredients matter to you.... Or, you want to earn additonal income, work from home, be your own boss, make money online, and have your own home-based, e-commerce business, you are in the right place at the right time. We are a product focused company combined with an amazing income opportunity. My Sales Website We've combined affiliate marketing, network marketing, and e-commerce into a simple business anyone can do. People can start their own business for free and get paid daily. There are no sign up fees, membership fees, website fees, or renewal fees. The company is privately owned, has been in business since 2017, is based in Ohio, and ships to approximately 100 countries worldwide. You do not need to have home parties, collect money, take payments, process orders, or make deliveries. All you do is share your personalized website with others, just like an affiliate marketer. When people make a purchase through your link, you get paid! LEARN MORE RIGHT NOW! The Products Plants, people, & prosperity. That's what we are all about. There are approximately 120 natural, organic, non-GMO, vegan, gluten-free, soy free, dairy free, and cruelty free products. The products are 3rd party tested and are sourced directly from the farmer. All products come with a 60-day, empty bottle money back guarantee. Plants over pills! Some of the product line includes: Coffee & Tea CBD & Black Seed Biominerals Superfoods Personal Care Pet Products Essential Oils Weight Loss ~A8. Micro Ed, ?? Reading Tips. 9. ~A9. Training & Development , Management & Leadership. #marketing, #advertising, The Switch Stores Concept Would you switch stores and buy from your own store if it made sense financially? Could you replace 2-5 products you currently use with a different brand? We're not asking you to buy stuff you wouldn't normally buy, just switch brands, save money, and make money! If that made sense to you, and you enjoyed the products, would you be willing to share your testimonial or product story with others? LEARN MORE RIGHT NOW! How it Works The company manufactures their own product line. These products are only available via their website. Everyone buys direct from the company. To shop with the company you must be referred by someone. Your FREE membership gives you instant wholesale pricing. You can also refer others to the company (if you want to) and earn $$$ from their purchases. You don't collect payments, take orders, make deliveries or handle returns. The company does that for you. What Your Free Membership Includes Free to join. Wholesale pricing. You get several free e-commerce websites. Free email marketing system. No auto-ship requirement. No membership, website, or renewal fees of any kind. Unique gift card marketing program. Just order once every 6 months (or make a sale) to maintain your account. The Compensation Plan Everyone joins as a wholesale customer for free. Once you join for free, you are eligible to start earning commissions. There are 7 ways to earn and we get paid DAILY. Whenever someone shops via your link you earn 20 to 50 percent commissions, paid instantly. The company offers a weekly profit sharing pool to everyone who has a minimum 25 CV order in the past 30-days. Monthly Lifestyle Bonuses ranging from $250 to $20,000 per month. Generous check matching commissions for helping your team succeed. Fair and balanced compensation plan for the serious person and part-timer. What Our Team Offers You Postcard marketing system. Craiglist and drop card system. 300 Free leads every month you order. Weekly business and product training webinars. Secret team Facebook group. Contests & recognition. Team training website. One-on-one coaching. You are in business for yourself, but not by yourself. What Now? The next step is to click on the green button below the video that says Learn More Right Now. Doing so will send you to my personalized website (you will get one just like it). Once you do that, enter your name, phone number, and email. Finally, take a look around and learn more about the products, compensation plan, and company. Order a few products and try them out. If you'd like a complimentary $25 gift card, just email me to request one. If you have questions, feel free to email me. Thanks. Sincerely, Chuck Holmes (443) 421-8260 text LEARN MORE RIGHT NOW! Disclaimer I am an independent affiliate with HB Naturals. Individual results will vary. The products are not designed to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Health, Weight Loss, Energy, Pet Products, and more Building A Team Of Free Team Members/Associates As you can see, with Genusity, you should be able to build larger and stronger teams which in turn, creates an opportunity like never before for you! #Genusity_Associate. P.S. Products. AMPS DISCLAIMER: My Affiliate marketing business links. By purchasing through these links I may receive a commission for the sale. Legit Home Word Processing Work New Business opportunities Roll out. Shopfreemart Health Business. Dear young Prospect Entrepreneur, Re: Your Free Business. Network marketing can be a way that college students who are struggling financially can earn the extra money they need to continue their studies. Or perhaps you know a college graduate who cannot find employment in his or her field of training. You may even know high-school students that are mature enough to see how they can turn network marketing into some immediate pocket money or even a career path. A simple business model and free to start. Made with students in mind. Visit this site now. Shopfreemart was created with the young entrepreneur in mind: Products that are pure and highly concentrated Products that give the fastest possible health benefits Free websites for sharing the Shopfreemart products and Opportunity Free training with simple cookie-cutter steps that virtually guarantee success Get paid every time that someone you refer to your website makes a purchase Get paid through 6-levels of referrals without obligation to make a product purchase No trickery, no deception and no hoops to jump through Simple business model where anyone can experience success Paul Thompson Referring Consultant. --> Recourse Box. #Health, you can also listen "live" via the net: PROGRAM DETAILS For a one time payment of $0.00, you can advertise Unlimited Ads for life! Promote ALL of YOUR favorite programs from one page, using one link! Add an unlimited amount of advertisements... Then simply promote YOUR referral link. All of YOUR Ads will rotate on EVERY page!. All impression/click counts tracked for you in the member's area. Our proven, advertising system lets you promote your referral links quickly and easily to tons of eager and responsive marketers across the world..... MyFreeAdPage is set up to be a long-term effective and sustainable viral advertising site .... Join, Setup Your Ads, Promote! Simple!....... It's 100% FREE! Vist Our Sponsor Ad Below: FREE TEAM MEMBERS WANTED Efficient leadership is founded upon respect and trust. Respect and trust help to inspire whole-hearted commitment in a team, fear and submitionmerely produce complance. A leader should be directive in a democratic way. A leader is not there to simply coordanate functions. He or she helps the movement towards a given direction through the efforts of individuals which compliment and enhance each other. A leader makes the parts whole. The first responibility of a leader is to define the objective: Acheiving the aim is the ultimate test of leadership. 'TO Lead is to serve nothing more and nothimg less.' Be pragmatic plan & take Action! Without something to work towards many people fall into a downward spiral because they stop putting their talents, skills, and mind to work. A simple business model and free to start. Made with students in mind. Visit this site now. Thought that the group would like this. Home Business. -- Decide What Business to Start This may actually require more time than a day because besides being an idea that appeals to you, your business should be a financially viable idea. A simple business model and free to start. Made with students in mind. Visit this site now. AMPS DISCLAIMER: My Affiliate marketing business links. By purchasing through these links I may receive a commission for the sale. This has no effect on the price you pay. Kind Regards, Paul@amps70 ==================================== ?Monday, ?10 ?October ?2022 HOME BUSINESS PROMOTION OPPORTUNITY A simple business model and free to start. Made with students in mind. Visit this site now. I recommend #Shopfreemart. It is free to join our membership & share the opportunity with others. ? Products that are pure and highly concentrated ? Products that give the fastest possible health benefits ? Free websites for sharing the Shopfreemart products and Opportunity ? Free training with simple cookie-cutter steps that virtually guarantee success ? Get paid every time that someone you refer to your website makes a purchase ? Get paid through 6-levels of referrals without obligation to make a product purchase ? No trickery, no deception and no hoops to jump through Simple business model where anyone can experience success Paul Thompson Referring Consultant. P.S. --> Recourse Box. #Health, you can also listen "live" via the net: AMPS DISCLAIMER: My Affiliate marketing business links. By purchasing through these links I may receive a commission for the sale. This has no effect on the price you pay. Shopfreemart product reviews 1. FreeMart Hydration Drops Menu Greatly Improves Hydration 2. FreeMart D-Cal Menu Removes Unwanted Calcium Deposits 3. FreeMart IEE™ Pre-Order Menu Give your body a boost today 4. FreeMart Nature’s Nutrients Menu Boost your immune system today 5. FreeMart Sugar-D Curbs Appetite and Promotes Metabolism 6. FreeMart Siaga Benefits Extolled Around the World 7. FreeMart Pure Mag As Necessary for Life as Water and Oxygen 8. FreeMart Pure Gold Mineral of the gods 9. FreeMart Pure Copper Third Most Needed Mineral in the Body 10. FreeMart Pure Silver Nature’s Defense Against Disease 11. FreeMart 5 Nano Card Pack Looks like a Credit Card works like Magic 12. FreeMart Shower Gel Cancer-Free Bathroom Solution 13. FreeMart All Purpose Cleaner Cancer-Free Degreaser, Detergent, Cleaner 14. FreeMart Mineralizer Menu Gets amazing results 15. FreeMart Products Are The Best Bringing Honor to BusinessMenu 16. We Thank You For Your time Menu Don’t Miss this Chance to change your life Shopfreemart was created with the young entrepreneur in mind: Candidets should be able to develop ideas, solve problems and complete many other tasks that require innovation and creativity. They encourage creativity and innovation in their teams through activities like brainstorming Or Free Thinking. Products that are pure and highly concentrated Products that give the fastest possible health benefits Free websites for sharing the Shopfreemart products and Opportunity Free training with simple cookie-cutter steps that virtually guarantee success Get paid every time that someone you refer to your website makes a purchase Get paid through 6-levels of referrals without obligation to make a product purchase No trickery, no deception and no hoops to jump through Simple business model where anyone can experience success Paul Thompson Referring Consultant. --> Recourse Box. ============================ FREE TEAM MEMBERS WANTED Efficient leadership is founded upon respect and trust. Respect and trust help to inspire whole-hearted commitment in a team, fear and submitionmerely produce complance. A leader should be directive in a democratic way. A leader is not there to simply coordanate functions. He or she helps the movement towards a given direction through the efforts of individuals which compliment and enhance each other. A leader makes the parts whole. The first responibility of a leader is to define the objective: Acheiving the aim is the ultimate test of leadership. Be pragmatic plan & take Action! Without something to work towards many people fall into a downward spiral because they stop putting their talents, skills, and mind to work. A simple business model and free to start. Made with students in mind. Visit this site now. AMPS DISCLAIMER: My Affiliate marketing business links. By purchasing through these links, I may receive a commission. A Shift In the Basics. Instead of product, you should be thinking about solutions. Your product might have hundreds of features, but which features specifically solve real customer needs? Instead of place, which suggests a fixed location, you should be thinking about access for customers. Instead of price, which is just a number, you should be thinking about value, which encompasses the customer's perception. And instead of promotion, you should be thinking of education. You win the customers over by giving them useful information and empowering them to decide rather than merely plying them with ads. Here are some strategies for creating a sales system. These websites allows you to find businesses all over the world and follow them on social media. Enjoy your journey through the sites! 2.#Raining-DATES 3.#Brokerage Enjoy your journey through the sites! Low-budget marketing makeover. At the least, it's time for a new marketing campaign. This could be the start of new beginnings. Retail Stores; ASN, Creating effective and consistent ways of selling within your business will help build that trust. This phenomenon of online communication has escalated with technological advancements, such as smartphones and tablets, and can now be considered a vital marketing tool. Do not leave this page without creating your account. We are Supporting Local business marketing. Post to 1.5 billion people daily. ------------------------------------------------------- Use A SWOT Analysis Working Doc,00:21 06/09/2022 Home Biz In a Box. Have you ever thought what it would be like to own your life? You will require a home PC or laptop. #Build Your Business Products ~ The Number 1.Monky Business & Agency. Monkey Business is complete business management system for modern businesses. My Recruiting Website My Sales Website Your Recruiting Website Your Sales Website #marketing,#Business, #Builder,#PAULHERE70 RUN YOUR OWN Health Business http://www.5iphon/joinFree.php?ref=6884 FROM YOUR PC/ Tablet or Smart Phone. No start-up costs Health, Weight Loss, Energy, Pet Products, and more Building A Team Of Free Team Members/Associates As you can see, with Genusity, you should be able to build larger and stronger teams which in turn, creates an opportunity like never before for you! #Genusity_Associate. P.S. Products. AMPS DISCLAIMER: My Affiliate marketing business links. By purchasing through these links I may receive a commission for the sale. This has no effect on the price you pay. INTRODUCTION Home Biz In a Box. Have you ever thought what it would be like to own your life? #Genusity_Associate. You will require a home PC or laptop. FREE TEAM MEMBERS WANTED HOME #HEALTH BUSINESS Make Money With... Your Genusity Retail Store – Up To 55% Retail Profit Your Retail Store Also Generates Up To 100% Daily & Monthly Bonuses Up To 100% Daily Fast Start Bonuses On BV Up To 100% Monthly Power Unlevel Commissions On BV Referring Consultant. Health, Weight Loss, Energy, Pet Products, and more Building A Team Of Free Team Members/Associates As you can see, with Genusity, you should be able to build larger and stronger teams which in turn, creates an opportunity like never before for you! #Genusity_Associate. AMPS DISCLAIMER: My Affiliate marketing business links. By purchasing through these links, I may receive a commission. Utilizing a SWOT analysis -- strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats -- is a good way to get interesting feedback. Particularly if you make it an anonymous form, then employees are free to speak their minds. SWOT analysis works so well because employees do not immediately start with complaining about what is wrong with the company, it challenges them to look at the company from all sides. - Sarah Lero, Peerless Products Inc Efficient leadership is founded upon respect and trust. Respect and trust help to inspire whole-hearted commitment in a team, fear and submitionmerely produce complance. A leader should be directive in a democratic way. A leader is not there to simply coordanate functions. He or she helps the movement towards a given direction through the efforts of individuals which compliment and enhance each other. A leader makes the parts whole. The first responibility of a leader is to define the objective: Acheiving the aim is the ultimate test of leadership. Download Books Online What Healing Should Be: How to relieve pain and stop suffering Free Be pragmatic plan & take Action! Without something to work towards many people fall into a downward spiral because they stop putting their talents, skills, and mind to work. For CBD Products: A simple business model and free to start. Made with students in mind. Visit this site now. A Ten-Step Process for Conducting a Training Needs Analysis The basic process, which you can adapt to your own purposes, follows a series of steps. And who doesn’t love a ten-step plan? Step 1. Strategic Objectives What is the organisational context and the ‘why’ behind any capabilities and learning? Step 2. Operational Outcomes What do we need to be able to achieve, to meet our strategic objectives? Step 3. Employee Behaviours What do people need to do, to generate the outcomes we want? Step 4. Learnable Capabilities What are the capabilities that people need, so they will be able to do what we need them to do? Step 5. Gap Assessment What are the current levels of capability, and what do we need to train, to get them to the desired level? Step 6. Prioritise Learning and Training Needs Based on the gap assessment, what do we need people to learn? Step 7. Learning Approaches How will we transmit the knowledge, and secure the learning, to ensure people gain the right levels of capability? Step 8 Roll-out Plan How would we deliver the learning we have identified? Step 9 Evaluation Criteria How will we evaluate the work we do to train and educate our people? Step 10 Cost Benefit Analysis How much will our learning programme cost, and how does that compare with its projected benefits? Build Your Downline. Use the recorded Webinars Too! Day 1: You refer 2 members to join with you on your personal website. Day 2: Help them refer 2 each = 4 more Members. Day 3: Those 4 refer 2 each = 8 more Members. Day 4: Those 8 refer 2 each = 16 more Members. Day 5: Those 16 refer 2 each = 32 more Members. Day 6: Those 32 refer 2 each = 64 more Members. Day 7: Those 64 refer 2 each = 128 more Members. Day 8: Those 128 refer 2 each = 256 more Members. Day 9: Those 256 refer 2 each = 512 more Members. Day 10: Those 512 refer 2 each = 1,024 more Members. At the end of 10 days, you have over 2,000 Members in your 2x10 Forced Matrix Organization and you are on your way to $4,000 to $20,000 Monthly income. Month after month... Up to $240,000 per year! This is not a guarantee but shows the possibilities. 10 easy ways to start promoting as an affiliate When you're involved in affiliate marketing, one of the major concerns you'll have to face is driving traffic to your site. And not just any traffic – you'll need targeted, organic traffic (paid ads are not allowed). Here are some proven ways you can drive quality traffic to your affiliate marketing site and increase your potential to generate income: Write your own product reviews - You will get the best results from writing your own product reviews (even if it's a short review!). You don't have to be a good writer. Just write what you really think about the course. When you publish your course review, use your affiliate link to send users to our website. Publish your product reviews across different sites: Post your reviews on other forums or free sites – getting your site well known is great for driving traffic. Search online for popular marketing and affiliate forums and become involved; make frequent contributions to popular threads so you can learn new techniques as well as become an authority. Be sure to go into your forum profile and edit your "signature". Make a signature that includes your affiliate link, or a link to your own "review" website of our courses. That way, every time you make a post, anyone who sees it will see your signature and potentially click on your affiliate link. Make a press release out of your product reviews: Once, every few weeks, post a press release using a digital press release service, in which you include your favorable review of our course, along with your affiliate link. Some companies will guarantee that your press release is picked up by all major search engines if you pay them a small fee, potentially sending you thousands of visitors. Make video reviews of our courses: Record short video reviews about our courses and upload it to YouTube and other video-sharing websites. Whether it’s through voice reviews or as a presenter while on the videos, it’s a great way to have that personal engagement with your audience. Remember that gaining your users’ loyalty increases their interest and commitment to follow your content. Run email marketing campaigns: The direct promotion via email has really taken off over the last years, and if you have a list of subscribers or plan on growing one, you should really try incorporating email marketing campaigns promoting our courses. Used carefully, email campaigns can easily drive targeted traffic to your affiliate marketing site. This can be done by providing highly relevant and valuable information on the body of the message and then offering a link that will bring the recipients into your site. You can do this two ways: one is by providing the full content in the e-mail message and then offering a link inviting the recipient to view more similar write-ups on your site. Another is by giving only a portion of the content and offering the rest on the affiliate site. A linked email signature should also be included. If you plan to use email as a method of promoting your links, you should stand behind what you sell and make yourself available to answer any questions. Host a contest: Locate your target market and then promote a contest through social media and emails. All details must be found on your affiliate marketing website so you can drive traffic there. Registration must also be performed on one of your landing pages. Just make sure to offer prizes that visitors will find useful. Talk to your visitors - If you have your own website, simply talk to your visitors in real-time using live chat software on your website and send them your affiliate links through chat. Remember that keeping your visitors engaged with you is always a great way to keep traffic flowing on your site. Users will keep coming back to consume your content. Become a guest blogger - You could drive another blog's captured traffic to your affiliate site by becoming a guest blogger. If you can write well and can offer unique and useful content, the site's readership will find you interesting enough to follow you to your own site. After all, blog posts that have a similar focus to your site, even if they're not as big as other blogs, will enable you to target your ideal audience more effectively. Utilize social bookmarking sites - These are a rich source of targeted traffic that you can drive to your affiliate marketing site. Your market demographics are also easier to define so sending out invitations to potential leads and members is a lot easier. Final thoughts Try to think like a visitor – what drives you to go back to your favorite content creator’s website or channel? What do they do that makes you like their content? When they come to your page with a review or affiliate link, you should draw their attention, build curiosity or a feeling that they might need this kind of solution. You want the content on your site to be thought-provoking and actionable. Having said that, feel free to experiment with different banners, text links, or reviews. Keep the ones that bring good results, and change the low-performing ones. Sometimes changing only a few words or the color of an image can make a huge difference. More Information:!AmP-CSrsFDnqnRIE1yFxA9i9muN4?e=1HdG27 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Home Biz In a Box. Working Knowledge * To Promote your Home business, You will require a Paypal ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- --> Resourse Box. #health , #opportunities , #learning , Take Action! Day 1: You refer 2 members to join with you on your personal website. Day 2: Help them refer 2 each = 4 more Members. Day 3: Those 4 refer 2 each = 8 more Members. Paul Thompson Referring Consultant. ---------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- OR other, --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To advertise for Customers only, use one of these links: All the links go to the same Customer page it's just different URL's to use if needed. If you want to send people directly to a product page, use one of these URL's. For GenTize Products: For GenHealth Product: For GenPet Product: For Keto Product: For Beauty Products: For CBD Products: For Beacon Products: For GenEnergy Product: Reflecting on Work Improves Job Performance Reflect on the outcome of your labour. Make some notes of learning points if required E.g. The Process you worked to. >>>ID The Niche & Topic. >>> Research the Subject. >>> ID appropriate UEL LINKS for promotion. >>> Write the Article to be Marketed. >>> Read Through Check Spelling & Grammar. >>> Test links And Read out the Article. Add to the process anything that will help you with future articles. Working Knowledge Training & Development , Management & Leadership. #marketing, #advertising, #Build Your Business Products ~ #marketing,#Business, #Builder, The Number 1.Monky Business & Agency. Monkey Business is complete business management system for modern businesses. My Recruiting Website My Sales Website Your Recruiting Website Your Sales Website PAULHERE70 ? Very few companies give their employees time for reflection, especially when competitive pressures are escalating. Usually, the imperative is to double down and work harder – don’t stop to think, just drive forward. But new research demonstrates the value of reflection in helping people do a better job. A working paper by Francesca Gino and Gary Pisano of Harvard Business School, Giada Di Stefano of HEC Paris, and Bradley Stats of the University of North Carolina shows that reflecting on what you’ve done teaches you to do it better next time. The researchers did a series of studies, all showing that reflection boosts performance. â€Å“Now more than ever we seem to be living lives where we’re busy and overworked, and our research shows that if we’d take some time out for reflection, we might be better off,” Gino tells Working Knowledge. -Andy O’Connell Training & Development , Management & Leadership. #marketing, #advertising, #Build Your Business Products ~ #marketing,#Business, #Builder, The Number 1.Monky Business & Agency. Monkey Business is complete business management system for modern businesses. My Recruiting Website My Sales Website Your Recruiting Website Your Sales Website PAULHERE70 Micro Ed, ?? Reading Tips. 3. Use your hand and finger to set your reading pace: With your right hand, use your finger as your pointer to train your eyes to read the letters and words faster. Practice regulating your reading speed: Learn how to speed up or slow down your reading depending on your needs and the context you’re in (quiet versus noisy environment). Read in smaller chunks: You don’t have to commit hours at a time to reading. When you fit it into your day in small chunks, you’ll get a lot more done – the trick is to remember to carry your book(s) with you! Micro Learning Emails. #Interpersonal Skills, #Communication Skills #Management Skills. #Negociation Skills, #Problem Solving Skills #Reflective Learning Skills Thought that the group would like this. Home Business. --> Decide What Business to Start This may actually require more time than a day because besides being an idea that appeals to you, your business should be a financially viable idea. AMPS DISCLAIMER: My Affiliate marketing business links. By purchasing through these links I may receive a commission for the sale. This has no effect on the price you pay. Kind Regards, Paul@amps70 P.S. UNDERPINNING KNOWLEDGE A simple business model and free to start. Made with students in mind. Visit this site now. Paul70 P.S. AMPS DISCLAIMER: My Affiliate marketing business links. By purchasing through these links. I may receive a commission for the sale. This has no effect on the price you pay. RESOURCES: Online Business Opportunitie Development. There are many tasks you need to complete to start a home business. So many that it can seem overwhelming. But like eating the proverbial elephant, starting a home business requires taking it one bite at a time. Here is a step-by-step guide to getting your business up and running in the next 30 days, delivered in 4 one-week instalments. During this first week, you’ll research, plan and begin the initial steps to launching your business. During the second week, you’ll put your business foundation in place. The last two weeks will be about marketing and delivering great products and services. Before you get started, make sure you have the right mindset and drive to succeed in home business. It's not hard to build a home business, but it does take work and perseverance. Second, commit to your home business by making time to start and run it. Even if you're busy, there are ways to add more time to your day so you can build your home business. Day 1: Decide What Business to Start This may actually require more time than a day because besides being an idea that appeals to you, your business should be a financially viable idea. The first part of this step is to come up with a list of home business ideas that appeal to you. If you're not sure what home business to start, consider your interests, talents, and passions. You can also find many home business ideas online, such as here at The Balance Small Business. Next, you need to figure out if your idea is potentially profitable, you need to do requires research. Factors to consider are whether or not you can commit to the business over the long term, financial needs to get started, and whether or not there is a market ready, willing and able to buy. Day 2: Create Your Vision and Goals Too many people jump into home business without a clear idea of where they’re going. They want success but haven’t defined what that success looks like. Will your home business always be part-time or will it grow to full-time allowing you to quit your job? Are you hoping to make your business portable so you can travel? Do you want to pay off debt or get rich? Imagine your business has achieved success, what does that look like? What are you selling? Where do you live and what does your day-to-day look like? Day 3: Run the Numbers While you can start a home business for next to nothing, and run it cost-effectively, money is involved and not getting a good grasp of where you are now financially and what it will take to run and grow your business can lead to failure. Lack of money is one of the top reasons businesses fail. Numbers to consider are your current financial state, what it will take to launch and build the business, your financial goals, and how much business (sales, clients, etc) is needed to achieve that goal. This is also the time to determine pricing to ensure you’re charging enough to cover your expenses and earn a profit. Day 4: Identify Your Target Market You’ll achieve greater success at less expense by selling directly to your target market; the people who want, need and are able to pay for what you’ve got. Don't assume everyone wants what you're selling. Even if that were true, most subgroups will want what you offer for different reasons. For example, if you sell weight loss products, some will want to lose weight to look good, while others will be more concerned with their health. Knowing the reasons why people buy is crucial to your being able to market to them. People buy solutions, which means you'll need to know what problem they need to be solved. Day 5: Develop Your USP Odds are you’re not providing something completely new, which means you have to find a way to set yourself apart from your competition. When developing your unique selling proposition (USP), focus on the benefits your clients or customers will receive by using your product or services. Buyers don't care about how great you are. They only care about whether or not you can solve their problem or fulfill their need. Day 6: Create a Business Name Your business name should represent what you offer without being so narrow that you can’t expand your business later. Your business will become a representation of your brand, so care should be taken when creating it. Make sure it’s not already taken or trademarked. Also, check that you can buy the domain name, and if it’s available, buy it. Day 7: Make a Business Plan Using what you’ve done so far, put everything in a single business plan. Even if you don’t need to ask for start-up money, a business plan acts as a road map guiding you toward your goal. It will solidify in your mind your goals, where you're starting, and where you plan to end up. Start a Home Business in a Month Series When you complete week one, you can move on to week two. You'll find links to the remaining weeks below: Week One: Research, Decisions, Planning Week Two: Putting in the Foundation of Your Home Business Week Three: Creating Your Marketing Plan Week Four: Market, Assess, Success. #ONLINE BUSINESS BROKER Banners to promote the Referral Program page of your mall To Your Success. Paul Thompson OBB #Business Working from your Home PC, or laptop? Business Investing : Small Biz Entrepreneurship network marketers Business Investing : Small Biz Entrepreneurship Instant Downloads of Top ebooks, software and information. 100% Safe and Secure. Updated Daily. Directory of ebooks, software and information Downloads Shopfreemart was created with the young entrepreneur in mind: Products that are pure and highly concentrated Products that give the fastest possible health benefits Free websites for sharing the Shopfreemart products and Opportunity Free training with simple cookie-cutter steps that virtually guarantee success Get paid every time that someone you refer to your website makes a purchase Get paid through 6-levels of referrals without obligation to make a product purchase No trickery, no deception and no hoops to jump through Simple business model where anyone can experience success Paul Thompson Referring Consultant. P.S. --> Rscourse Box. * * #Health, you can also listen "live" via the net: A simple business model and free to start. Made with students in mind. Visit this site now. #Health, you can also listen "live" via the net: A simple business model and free to start. Made with students in mind. Visit this site now. A simple business model and free to start. Made with students in mind. Visit this site now. Paul70 P.S. AMPS DISCLAIMER: My Affiliate marketing business links. By purchasing through these links. I may receive a commission for the sale. This has no effect on the price you pay. Paul70 AMPS DISCLAIMER: My Affiliate marketing business links. By purchasing through these links. I may receive a commission for the sale. This has no effect on the price you pay. ------------------------------------------------ #10 easy ways to start promoting as an affiliate When you're involved in affiliate marketing, one of the major concerns you'll have to face is driving traffic to your site. And not just any traffic – you'll need targeted, organic traffic (paid ads are not allowed). Here are some proven ways you can drive quality traffic to your affiliate marketing site and increase your potential to generate income: Write your own product reviews - You will get the best results from writing your own product reviews (even if it's a short review!). You don't have to be a good writer. Just write what you really think about the course. When you publish your course review, use your affiliate link to send users to our website. Publish your product reviews across different sites: Post your reviews on other forums or free sites – getting your site well known is great for driving traffic. Search online for popular marketing and affiliate forums and become involved; make frequent contributions to popular threads so you can learn new techniques as well as become an authority. Be sure to go into your forum profile and edit your "signature". Make a signature that includes your affiliate link, or a link to your own "review" website of our courses. That way, every time you make a post, anyone who sees it will see your signature and potentially click on your affiliate link. Make a press release out of your product reviews: Once, every few weeks, post a press release using a digital press release service, in which you include your favorable review of our course, along with your affiliate link. Some companies will guarantee that your press release is picked up by all major search engines if you pay them a small fee, potentially sending you thousands of visitors. Make video reviews of our courses: Record short video reviews about our courses and upload it to YouTube and other video-sharing websites. Whether it’s through voice reviews or as a presenter while on the videos, it’s a great way to have that personal engagement with your audience. Remember that gaining your users’ loyalty increases their interest and commitment to follow your content. Run email marketing campaigns: The direct promotion via email has really taken off over the last years, and if you have a list of subscribers or plan on growing one, you should really try incorporating email marketing campaigns promoting our courses. Used carefully, email campaigns can easily drive targeted traffic to your affiliate marketing site. This can be done by providing highly relevant and valuable information on the body of the message and then offering a link that will bring the recipients into your site. You can do this two ways: one is by providing the full content in the e-mail message and then offering a link inviting the recipient to view more similar write-ups on your site. Another is by giving only a portion of the content and offering the rest on the affiliate site. A linked email signature should also be included. If you plan to use email as a method of promoting your links, you should stand behind what you sell and make yourself available to answer any questions. Host a contest: Locate your target market and then promote a contest through social media and emails. All details must be found on your affiliate marketing website so you can drive traffic there. Registration must also be performed on one of your landing pages. Just make sure to offer prizes that visitors will find useful. Talk to your visitors - If you have your own website, simply talk to your visitors in real-time using live chat software on your website and send them your affiliate links through chat. Remember that keeping your visitors engaged with you is always a great way to keep traffic flowing on your site. Users will keep coming back to consume your content. Become a guest blogger - You could drive another blog's captured traffic to your affiliate site by becoming a guest blogger. If you can write well and can offer unique and useful content, the site's readership will find you interesting enough to follow you to your own site. After all, blog posts that have a similar focus to your site, even if they're not as big as other blogs, will enable you to target your ideal audience more effectively. Utilize social bookmarking sites - These are a rich source of targeted traffic that you can drive to your affiliate marketing site. Your market demographics are also easier to define so sending out invitations to potential leads and members is a lot easier. Final thoughts Try to think like a visitor – what drives you to go back to your favorite content creator’s website or channel? What do they do that makes you like their content? When they come to your page with a review or affiliate link, you should draw their attention, build curiosity or a feeling that they might need this kind of solution. You want the content on your site to be thought-provoking and actionable. Having said that, feel free to experiment with different banners, text links, or reviews. Keep the ones that bring good results, and change the low-performing ones. Sometimes changing only a few words or the color of an image can make a huge difference.


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